Countless dating apps offer singles tech to help them hook up, but what about those of us already in a relationship?
LoveSync’s mission is to offer tech to help couples keep sex and intimacy alive and thriving in their long term relationship. Co-founders Ryan & Jenn Cmich pitch thier vision to 5 of the biggest players in business on ABC’s Shark Tank on Sunday, January 12th at 9pm EST.
'We love them!.. We're very busy, and this adds an element of anticipation with a simple push of a button... The nonverbal communication was much needed, and we didn’t even know it!’
'I thought our sex life was fine before. What a game changer this has been for our less motivated nights.’
‘With LoveSync, I don’t feel like I’m the one who has to initiate all the time.’
‘LoveSync adds a fun twist & has allowed us to take advantage of opportunities for sex we would definitely have missed before.’
'We love them!.. We're very busy, and this adds an element of anticipation with a simple push of a button... The nonverbal communication was much needed, and we didn’t even know it!’
'I thought our sex life was fine before. What a game changer this has been for our less motivated nights.’
‘With LoveSync, I don’t feel like I’m the one who has to initiate all the time.’
‘LoveSync adds a fun twist & has allowed us to take advantage of opportunities for sex we would definitely have missed before.’
'We love them!.. We're very busy, and this adds an element of anticipation with a simple push of a button... The nonverbal communication was much needed, and we didn’t even know it!’
'I thought our sex life was fine before. What a game changer this has been for our less motivated nights.’
If you’ve ever assumed your partner wasn’t in the mood, so you didn’t make a move, you’ve likely missed out!
LoveSync turns missed opportunities into more sex by letting you and your partner know when your moods are matched.
What’s unique about LoveSync is that your partner will only know you’re interested if they are too – resulting in a serendipitous moment like you’ve never experienced before!
LoveSync is available as a mobile app or set of bedside buttons.
If you could be up for gettin’ down, discreetly tap your button. No risk of rejection, and no pressure on your partner because…
If only you tap, your partner never knows.
But, if your partner’s also feelin’ frisky and has tapped their button, LoveSync recognizes you’re both privately thinking the same thing and lets you know your moods are matched!
You Tap + Your Partner Taps = Sexy Time!
Sex happens at the intersection of each individual’s desire level.
Like most of our emotions, sexual desire is not simply on or off. Instead, our desire level ranges from no desire at all (cold) to GOT TO HAVE IT (hot). Most people spend the majority of their time somewhere in between.
LoveSync is the only solution that lets you get it on when you’re both “warm” and neither is making the first move.